The Ortman Group and Arlington Heights Park District are happy to announce we are hosting the Frontier Days 3v3 Soccer Tournament. The recreational division is open to all Arlington Heights residents & to all players in the AHPD Soccer programs and the travel division is for travel soccer players & non-resident youth teams. (There are also options for High School & Adult teams!) The tournament will take place on Saturday July 1st, 2023 at Windsor/Miner fields. Teams may roster 5 players, but only play 3 at a time with substitutions granted at the discretion of referee throughout game play. Games are scheduled for two 10-minute halves separated by a two-minute halftime. Each game will have a running clock, and every team is guaranteed three games. Participants should register for the last grade completed. Further tournament information will follow with team registration. Registration begins June 1st and closes June 23rd. (Registration link below!)

⚽Boys Rec
⚽Boys Travel
⚽Girls Rec
⚽Girls Travel
⚽High School
⚽Coed/ Adult Division